Years 5 & 6

Welcome to Year 5 and Year 6 at Regis Manor. 

Miss Pearce
Teaching Assistant: Miss Claringbold


Teacher: Mrs Roberts
Teaching Assistant: Miss Murphy

Mr Holmes
Teaching Assistant: Miss Vaughan

Mrs Grist and Miss Nation
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Legg

Mr Pettett (Assistant Headteacher) 
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Vitler

Contact with staff: 
Teachers and class staff are available each morning and afterschool, alternatively you may wish to write a message in your child’s contact book or speak to the school office to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher or Mr Fincham. Parents also have the option to message the school office or Mr Fincham via weduc. 

P.E. Days: 
Year 5 and Year 6,  6 children will need a P.E. kit on Wednesday and Friday each week. Additionally, before leaving year 6, all children will participate in a set of swimming lessons - we will share details of lessons for your child with you in advance of the sessions. 

Homework and home reading:
As part of fostering a love of books and reading, we encourage all children to read at home each week. We expect children to read at home on at least four different occasions and record it in their contact books. Those children who meet this goal will be rewarded in school. 

We set homework each term as part of ‘Love to Learn’. Children can select tasks off a menu each term to meet the points value and earn their homework certificates. 

Positions of responsibility in Y6

Children in year 6 have the opportunity to apply for a range of roles and responsibilities within the school. Within these roles, children are recognised for and can develop their communication and leadership skills and act as role models to younger children. Positions are sought after and competitive to obtain!


Learning Journeys:

Each term during the year, we will study a different theme for history, geography, art, and design technology. During 2022-23 we will be exploring these topics in Year 5 and Year 6:

Ancient Greece:

In this topic, we examine the history of the Ancient Greeks.
We learn about Greek life, achievements, and the influence of Ancient Greece on the modern world. As part of this, we compare Greek democracy to democracy and parliament in the UK. 

In the second part of our work on Ancient Greece, we will learn about their art and culture and consider the impact and importance of the Ancient Greeks on modern society.

Amazon Rainforest:

We explore the geography of the Amazon Rainforest and South America. We use mapwork to learn about geographical zones and climates and compare South America and the UK. We also consider the ethics and issues around deforestation and the sustainability of the food we eat. 

The Kingdom of Benin was a kingdom that existed in West Africa, in the area now known as Nigeria. It began in the 900s when the Edo people settled in the rainforests of West Africa and ended in 1897 when the British Empire annexed the kingdom. In this new topic, we will learn about the Kingdom's chronology, art and culture. 

Feeding the UK: 

In this unit, we develop our understanding of the geography of the local area, the Uk, and the wider world by learning about how the UK feed itself as a nation. We consider how plants and animals are adapted to different climates and the overall sustainability of our food. We also conduct a local land-use study to investigate food production in the local area. 

Enterprise Challenge:

This topic is centred around our participation in the Virgin Money make £5 grow challenge. Pupils design and produce a product that can be sold to hopefully make a profit. Along the way, pupils develop their understanding of product design, profitability, budgeting and money management.