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Latest News

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  • 18/06/21

    Year 2

    Wow! Look at the amazing Art work produced by the children in Year 2 so far this term.
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  • 14/06/21

    Year 3 - Geography

    Year 3 have loved getting messy! They have started making their very own papier mache globes.
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  • 14/06/21

    Year 4 - Science

    Year 4 have loved learning about rocks!
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  • 02/06/21

    Year 1

    Year 1 have had a busy week.
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  • 28/05/21

    Year 2

    Year 2 have been creating some fantastic writing about a secret garden.
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  • 24/05/21

    Year 2

    In Year 2 this afternoon children used the skill of transient art to recreate a garden scene. 
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  • 17/05/21

    Year 1

    This week Year 1 have been making spiders webs using paper plates and wool. This has really helped with their fine motor skills and links to our mini-beast topic!
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  • 04/05/21

    Gold Book and Merits

    A huge well done to our Gold Book children this week. 
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  • 04/05/21

    Year 1 and 2

    Year 1 have also started making their clay mini-beasts!
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  • 04/05/21

    Year 1 and 2

    Wow! Look how amazing Year 2's clay mini-beasts have turned out.
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  • 26/04/21

    Year 5 and 6 first week back​​​​​​​

    Year 5 and Year 6 have had a busy first week of term.
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  • 26/04/21


    Free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children, young people up to age 25, parents and carers. Click Here.
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