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Latest News

Page 27

  • 20/09/21

    Year 1 and 2

    This week Year 1 and 2 have been reading the story of ' The gingerbread man'.
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  • 14/09/21

    Attendance w/c 6th September 2021

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  • 13/09/21

    Year 1 and 2

    Year 1 and 2 have had a great first week back at school. This week we have been focusing on the story of 'The three little pigs'.
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  • 22/07/21

    Y5 Sunflowers

    Year 5 have made the most of their final few days of the term by painting some wonderful sunflower watercolour paintings in school (and in other media for those at home).
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  • 22/07/21

    End of Term Message

    Well, we are very nearly there! It has been an amazing year full of surprising twists and turns - yet again the children have risen to every challenge and been a credit to the school and to all of you.
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  • 22/07/21

    Year 2

    Year 2 have had a great last few days!
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  • 22/07/21

    Year 1

    We have been so impressed with the work being produced by the Year 1 children working from home.
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  • 21/07/21

    Year 4 Homework

    Look at this fantastic piece of homework from Y4! 
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  • 21/07/21

    Y6 Leavers' Event

    A wonderful evening was had by all attendees at the Y6 Leavers' Disco/Prom.
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  • 13/07/21

    Year 6 Sleepover

    On Thursday night, we held a sleepover at Regis Manor for our Y6 children.
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  • 01/07/21

    Year 2

    Year 2 have been learning about 3D shapes.
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  • 01/07/21

    Year 1 and 2

    This week was healthy living week.
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