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Page 21

  • 27/06/22

    Weekly Attendance

    W/C 10th June
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  • 20/06/22

    An egg-citing week!

    What an egg-citing couple of weeks we have had in KS1!
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  • 14/06/22

    Weekly Attendance

    W/C 6th June 2022
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  • 14/06/22

    Weekly Attendance

    W/c 20th May 2022
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  • 30/05/22

    SATS treat

    Year 2 and 6 have worked so hard to complete their SATS this term that we felt they deserved a special treat.
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  • 30/05/22

    Year 2

    Year 2 have been making masks linked to their amazing animals theme.
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  • 30/05/22

    Year 1

    While Year 2 were busy using the skill of paper mache, Year 1 were using the medium of clay to create animals.
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  • 27/05/22

    Year 4 Sleepover

    What an amazing night! The year 4 sleepover was a huge success.
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  • 24/05/22

    Weekly Attendance

    W/C 16th May
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  • 24/05/22

    Weekly Attendance

    W/C 9th May
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  • 24/05/22

    Year 2

    In Year 2 we learnt about healthy and unhealthy snacks in DT.
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  • 23/05/22

    Year 1

    This term Year 1's topic is 'amazing animals'. We have been making animals from clay which we will paint next week and even made animal faces using fruit!
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