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Latest News

Page 17

  • 28/11/22

    Year 1 and 2

    Today has been RE day. In Year 1 and 2 we have been learning about the Hindu religion and the celebration Diwali. We had lots of fun making lanterns and learning all about the festival.
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  • 28/11/22

    Year 1

    WOW! Look at the amazing rainforest homework produced by two children in Year 1. We are so impressed with all your homework! 
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  • 22/11/22

    Jack and the Beanstalk - Pantomime

    Jack and the Beanstalk!  We absolutely loved the visit of M&M Productions and their performance of Jack and the Beanstalk!  All children from EYFS to 6 watched the performance and there were boos, hisses and 'He's behind you!'s galore!
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  • 22/11/22

    Weekly Attendance

    Weekly Attendance
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  • 22/11/22

    Online Safety

      Online Safety
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  • 22/11/22

    Weekly Attendance

    Weekly Attendance
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  • 22/11/22

    Year 1 and 2

    Year 1 and 2 have had a great day celebrating children in need! Look at our amazing Pudsey/ spotty pyjamas and clothing!
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  • 14/11/22

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 14/11/22

    Online Safety

    If your child uses an Amazon Fire tablet, check out the NOS top tips for playing safely!
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  • 14/11/22

    Year 1 and 2

    Year 1 and 2 made wreaths for Remembrance day that were displayed around the school. In assembly this morning we spoke about why we celebrate Remembrance day and the children spent time watching the 'poppy animation' on Cbeebies.
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  • 07/11/22

    Online Safety

    Online Safety
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  • 07/11/22


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