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Latest News

Page 14

  • 07/03/23

    Weekly Attendance

    Weekly Attendance
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  • 27/02/23

    Year 1

    Today in Art Year 1 looked at making their own tree of life using 3D paper sculpture.
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  • 27/02/23

    Year 1 and 2

    This morning, to start book week Year 1 and 2 took part in a live author workshop.
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  • 27/02/23

    Weekly Attendance

    What a fabulous start to Term 4 - keep up the good attendance!
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  • 27/02/23

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 27/02/23

    Year 1

    Year 1 have started the term learning about measurement in Maths.
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  • 13/02/23

    Year 1

    As part of mental health week Year 1 looked at who we are connected to. We listened to the story of the invisible string which can be found on YouTube via the link below if you wish to watch it with your child. The Invisible String Read Aloud for Kids! We then created posters showing who we are con...
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  • 10/02/23

    Year 1

    This week the children in Year 1 have been reading the story 'The way back home'. They had to be extremely brave and act out the story in front of the rest of the class. The children really enjoyed this activity!
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  • 10/02/23

    Regis Gate

    This week it is children’s mental health week. We have been focusing on the topic ‘Let’s connect’. Research shows that connection with family, friends and the wider community is vital for our well being. As part of this some children visited Regis Gate where they interacted w...
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  • 06/02/23

    Online Safety

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  • 06/02/23

    Weekly Attendance

    Weekly Attendance
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  • 06/02/23

    Year 2

    Year 2 had a great time at their curriculum afternoon on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone that joined them! We hope you enjoyed being creative and joining in their space activities!
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