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Latest News

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  • 04/05/23

    National Online Safety

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  • 02/05/23

    Online Safety

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  • 02/05/23

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 02/05/23

    Year 2

    In Year 2 children have been looking at seeds and bulbs in science. They then planted a variety of seeds to watch them grow. 
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  • 02/05/23

    Year 1

    In Year 1 the children have been learning about finding 1/2. We have been finding half of different shapes by folding and shading. We have also been finding half of different numbers by sharing them equally.
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  • 24/04/23

    Online Safety

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  • 24/04/23

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 24/04/23

    Year 1 and 2

    This term in Science Year 1 and 2 are learning about plants. This week Year 1 went on a plant hunt around the school to see what they could find. Year 2 have started learning about the different parts of a plant.
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  • 17/04/23

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 03/04/23

    Online Safety

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  • 31/03/23

    Year 2

    A child in Year 2 had an amazing idea that they wanted to raise money for a local homeless charity. With the help of Miss Bean he organsied a cake sale in school. He raised over £100! A huge well done to Year 2 and thank you to everyone who donated cakes or brought in money for cakes.
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  • 31/03/23

    Year 1 and 2

    We are very impressed with the amount of children that are accessing and completing numbots at home. This is just a small selection of certificates that have been given out! Keep up the hard work everybody!
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