
Regis Manor Extra-Curricular Clubs

 Regis Manor offers a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs and specialised lessons.  These activities are run by staff, along with specialist teachers.


Clubs are offered to children three times a year (the start of the school year, end of term 2 and end of term 4).  A letter will come home detailing clubs running over the next two terms and you can then sign your child up for a club via our app from the specified date/time.


Currently all extra-curricular clubs are offered free of charge. Please speak to our school office to be informed of our current club list.

Music Lessons 

If you are interested in your child learning to play a musical instrument at school, please speak to the school office.  Please note that there is a cost to these lessons.

Sports clubs 

We offer a range of exciting sports clubs that change termly. Look out for the school clubs letter to find out which clubs are on each term. Some of these clubs are able to take part in competitions to represent the school such as gymnastics, multi-skills, netball, football and any more. 

Staff at events always comment on the positive behaviour, determination and enthusiasm of the children here at Regis Manor School.