
From September 2023 our kitchens have been run by a company called Nourish.  You will find links to their website and information about school meals below.

From September 2014, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1) have been entitled to a free school meal as part of a Government initiative.

To be eligible for free school meals for all other years you must be in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.

Even if you do not wish for your child to have a school meal, claiming enables us as a school to obtain additional funding which supports your child’s learning. 

If you are a parent of a child in KS1 who will be eligible for a school dinner under the government initiative, but you are in receipt of any of the above, please still claim for a free school meal so that the school can claim the money it is entitled to receive.

To claim online, click here, alternatively, call into the school office and request an application form.


Breakfast Club

A breakfast club runs every day from 7.30 till 8.30am for up to 100 children.  . Breakfast and play activities are provided.  There is a waiting list for the breakfast club, please enquire in the office.